Monday, April 4, 2011

Virginia Tech

One of my best friends, Becca, go's to Virginia Tech. Last week she texted me "Come to tech this weekend with Kevin!! Before you answer.. check your facebook!" She and my friend Kevin had posted on my wall:
Becca: you better be coming this weekend..kevin has guns. he will get you.
Becca:and if you dont we will never be friends with you again
Kevin: guns rachael. think about your life before you answer her.
Becca: and everytime we see you we will kick you in the shins and then trip you.
Kevin's facebook status: Tech this weekend to see Rebecca with Rachael or ill murder her.
So I packed up my everclear, a few cute outfits, and drove for 5 hours. I arrived in Blacksburg, Virginia at 9. The pong table was already up. We started taking shots a half hour later. Heaven. I decided to take it slow because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself the first night I met Becca's friends. So I made myself a drink, light on the everclear and went slow on the shots. Twenty or so of their friends came over to party. Becca and I played two game's of pong.. and then I BLACKED. OUT. Now, the only time I've blacked out ever was the night of the Pike Champagne Party/ Lindsey's Birthday Party (stories yet to tell) and even then I remember everything except a few chunks towards the end. That friday night at tech.. I have no recollection of anything past beer pong. By all accounts I didn't embarass myself, in fact, blacked-out Rachael was halarious. I am told I talked about my dentist a lot and told a lot of stories. At one point I was waving around a black and mild, nobody knows where I got that. Also, I talked to Lindsey, who was at Pike, at Taco Bell.  It's so weird blacking out and having another person tell you what you did during several hours. Love iiit.
The next day we woke up had a hang-over day. That evening we got ready, and then several of us went to El Rodeo for dinner. Kevin left after that because he "had a paper due." In reality, he doesn't drink and he doesn't make friends very fast and is just.. whatever. At 7 we started the pre-game and continued it at 9 at Becca's bf's house. Around 11 I was beyond ready to go. We went to the mexico party across the street. It was decked out with streamers, lights, jungle juice, a keg, and a pinata. Half the girls had stayed at the first pg spot and smoked and now one of them was wayyy sick so they were mia. Some creeps lifted up our friends skirt and she was freiking out lol pervs. Later they hung the hot pepper pinata and let some girl wail on it. Her coordination was so bad, she was soo drunk, but when she finally did break it.. condoms and candy fell out. Which partially led to the inspiration behind the next part of the night lol. I'll leave the rest up to your imaginations. I had to work the next day at 6 so I packed up and said my goodbyes to my wild and new vt girls. 

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