Monday, August 15, 2011

Best Day

Today has been amazing. I applied for jobs. My friend regina just got back in town. I finally got my bed!!! no more airmattress! My room is finally a home.
Lindsey, my bestie is back and having a party tonight! And as I was waiting at a stoplight a guy was looking around and did a double back and smiled at me, not a "i want your bod" smile but a sweet "hi, your pretty" smile. And I realized how unbelievably happy i am. There is no place I would rather be right now than in the town of fort collins. I am so deep down, unbelievably, blissfully happy I started to cry because I haven't felt that way since i was here 6 months ago. I have been so unhappy and depressed at my core for the last 6 months in maryland and now i feel like myself again. Sean was a big part of my happiness today too, as usual. Because, on top of all these wonderful things, he just said some really amazing things to me. He does that every day but today it was especially amazing:
When I told him I got my bed he said he couldn't wait to lay in it and how much he loved when I stayed over his house and we woke up and talked and cuddled and his favorite part was that it felt like i lived there. He said he thinks about me all day long every day and then he told me its safe to say that he's alll about me.  And how every day gets better because its one day sooner that he'll get to be with me. And that no matter what he's not going anywhere. He's there for good. He'll wait for me for as long as he has to.

I just want to keep this day, when my house became a home. When my best friend had her first party on what would have been a plain week night. When i got smiled at by strangers. When the guy im involved with is promising himself and therefore the world to me. When im in the town i love the most. When I couldn't be happier. I want to keep this day.

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